March 29, 2023

What a thrill it is for all of us at OA to have our entire cast assembled for our upcoming production of Handel’s The Resurrection!

It is a miracle that we were able to maintain every member of our original cast from the production that was shut down during rehearsal in 2020 as a result of COVID restrictions. 

These artists love repertoire they are rehearsing, and they love and respect each other. This is evident in every staging rehearsal. Everyone has grown, and everyone has brought new insights to the development of their characters - singers and dancers alike.

Every new production marks a new beginning, and The Resurrection is no exception. What with new costumes, a spectacular site-specific set design by Gerard Gauci and the superb lighting of Kimberly Purtell - this production of The Resurrection becomes a symbol of everything we live for. Making music, dancing and storytelling is more than what these artists do - it is who they are, and we treasure all of them. We invite you to come and be carried away by Opera Atelier’s new production of Handel’s masterpiece.

Join us and be transported by Opera Atelier's production of The Resurrection, which opens at Koerner Hall on April 6 and 8, 2023 at 7:30 pm and April 9, 2023 at 2:30 pm.